
I tried the Bretman Rock ab workout and my abs are still on fire 24 hours later

I tried the Bretman Stone ab workout and my abs are still on fire 24 hours later

A woman doing an ab workout
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

It's not oftentimes I turn to YouTube for workout challenges, but when I saw Bretman Stone's 'ab-solutely non' workout was trending, I was intrigued. I'll caveat this by maxim I consider myself to be relatively fit — I ran a marathon two weeks ago and practice Pilates on a regular ground, and so when I first glimpsed the ab workout, which is only ane round of exercises, I thought it would exist a walk in the park. I was incorrect.

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Bretman Rock is a digital celebrity known for his beauty videos, simply his recent video named '3 easy workouts to wait beautiful' speedily racked more than ane one thousand thousand views on YouTube. Rock says his workouts come up from his experience as a lifelong athlete and his piece of work with trainers and CrossFit instructors. The video includes three workouts that focus on the breast, cardio, and abs. As abs from the Gods are my lifelong goal, I decided to endeavor the latter, a decision I regretted approximately three minutes later.

The workout itself is relatively simple — it'south entirely made upwards of low-impact, bodyweight exercises, so all you need is yourself and an exercise or yoga mat.

How to practice Bretman Stone's 'ab-solutely not' conditioning:

 The conditioning is simple and comprises of these nine exercises:

Crunch: 20 reps

To do a crisis, kickoff lying on your dorsum with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Engage your core, with your easily behind your head. Contract your abs, and lift your body off the floor. Slowly lower back downward. That's one rep.

In-and-out crunch: 40 reps

To do an in-and-out crunch, start sitting up in a 5 position with your artillery behind yous and your palms apartment on the floor. As you extend your legs out straight, lean your trunk dorsum. As you bring your knees back into your breast, lean back in. To make it more challenging, lift your hands from the flooring.

Elbow plank: sixty seconds

To practise an elbow plank, assume a push-upward position, then lower down onto your elbows. Think about keeping your belly button sucked in towards your spine, and keeping a directly line from the crown of your head to your heels.

30-second rest

Plank with hip dips: 20 reps

To practise a plank with hip dips, get into the same plank position mentioned above, and then twisting your pelvis, think most dropping your right hip down to impact the floor (it doesn't matter if it doesn't actually touch), then your left hip. That'southward one rep.

Mountain climber: 40 reps

To do a mount climber, start in a push-upward position, then equally quickly as you tin, pull your right knee into your chest without letting it touch the floor as you extend it back out. Then repeat with your left knee joint. That'due south one rep.

Scissors: 60 reps

Start by lying on your back with your arms by your sides and your palms flat against the flooring. Engaging your abs, raise your legs direct into the air, and think about keeping your lower back flat against the floor. Lower your right leg to a few inches off the ground, then raise it back upwards. As you lot heighten your right leg, lower your left to the footing. That's one rep.

30-second balance

Reverse crunch: 20 reps

To do a reverse crunch, lie on your dorsum and put your legs in a tabletop position. Appoint your core and breathe in to lift your hips off the floor and your legs back up over your breast. Breathe out as yous lower back into your starting position. That'due south one rep.

Toe-affect crunch: 40 reps

Starting with your back flat against the flooring, raise your legs upwards to the ceiling as straight as you can. Crunching your abs, lift your upper torso upwardly with your arms outstretched and attempt and impact your toes. That's 1 rep.

6-inch agree: 60-seconds

Start past lying on your back and with your legs together, lift both off the floor past about six inches. Every bit you practise then, lift your head and neck up off the flooring about six inches. Concord.

I know what you lot're thinking — really that doesn't look too bad? You're non wrong, information technology doesn't. It's also pretty quick: the entire workout but took me about nine minutes, but the ab burn I was experiencing by the mountain climber section was real.

The 1 word I'd utilize to describe this conditioning is intense — my core was shaking by the time I got to the scissors and the xxx-second rests didn't feel very long at all every bit a recovery. In his YouTube video, Stone explains that sometimes he doesn't take rests equally he wants to power through the conditioning as fast as possible and for that lone, I'm in awe. He also mentioned the choice to add 10-2d rests in between each exercise, something I'd probably do side by side fourth dimension.

Although the hollow hold at the end was the longest 60 seconds of my life, I loved that I was able to do this unabridged workout from my living room. While I have returned to the gym post-pandemic, I yet dear doing the odd workout from home when my schedule doesn't allow me to go to the gym. This is a workout I could easily practise on my lunch break, or even betwixt meetings (if my co-workers can't see my shaking core once I'1000 dorsum at my desk).

My verdict? This is a quick 9-infinitesimal workout that I'll definitely exist incorporating into my weekly conditioning routine. Whether or non it gives me J-Lo abs remains to exist seen, but it'southward definitely an like shooting fish in a barrel way to go the cadre shaking with minimal equipment.

If you've already tried this workout then cheque out Chloe Ting YouTube workout to experience the burn.

Jane McGuire is Tom'southward Guide's Fettle editor, which means she looks after everything fitness related - from running gear to yoga mats. An avid runner, Jane has tested and reviewed fitness products for the past 4 years, and then knows what to look for when finding a skillful running watch or a pair of shorts with pockets large enough for your smartphone. When she's not pounding the pavements, you'll discover Jane striding round the Surrey Hills, taking far too many photos of her puppy.


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