
Google Pixel 6 problems — fingerprint sensor, flickering displays and more

Google Pixel 6 problems — fingerprint sensor, flickering displays and more

Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro cameras
(Prototype credit: Tom's Guide)

Both the Google Pixel 6 and Pixel six Pro certainly impressed us when nosotros tested both phones. Merely as with any device, Google's new phones send with their fair share of issues. Anyone familiar with the Pixel line in general shouldn't be surprised past this, since Google still has work to practice with its quality control, fifty-fifty on the sixth generation of its flagship handset.

Some issues either have or will have solutions, though some are defects in manufacturing. We'll break that downwardly in each department.

Some issues, like the fingerprint sensor, seem to be more than features than bugs. Others, like the second hole punch that's appeared in some Pixel displays, wait like complete accidents that shouldn't have made it through quality assurance in manufacturing. Sadly, things like this happen, but Google could stand up to do better to proceed defects from slipping through the cracks.

Here's a roundup of all the known and reported bug with the Pixel half dozen thus far.

Display flickering when powered off

Status: Fix coming

This is an odd issue, but basically, the display will flicker inconsistently when y'all press the ability button when the phone is off. This is an extremely specific apply case, and I'm left wondering who just intentionally presses the power button instead of holding it when the Pixel is off.

How to fix it: Google has best-selling the upshot and says a fix is coming in its December update.

Slow fingerprint sensor

Pixel 6

(Prototype credit: Tom'southward Guide)

Status: Stock-still?

This is an outcome I noted in my Pixel 6 Pro review. The fingerprint sensor is a bit picky and finicky, leading to many false rejections. The reader expanse seems smaller than other Android phones. Only all of that has to do with hardware.

Google has said the Pixel half-dozen's fingerprint is slow because of "security algorithms." Apparently, the telephone is crunching a lot of numbers to ensure that your fingerprint is the right one. However, though Google hasn't directly acknowledged the problem, it does appear that a mid-month update could get some style to fixing the Pixel 6's fingerprint bug. The update is rolling out now and early reports say it improves the performance.

Anecdotally, the fingerprint sensor on my Pixel 6 Pro feels faster. I had to sideload the OTA file to get the update, merely and then far it seems worthwhile. Possibly it's a placebo effect, but I could swear the phone reads my fingertips quicker now.

How to fix information technology: Bank check for update. You lot may to take to sideload the OTA if y'all're impatient.

Fingerprint sensor failure subsequently battery dies

Condition: Acknowledged

Another fingerprint sensor result has popped up, merely this one is definitely a bug. Some users have reported that if their Pixel half dozen battery dies, the fingerprint sensor permanently fails. They tin can no longer use it and trying to retrain it ends in failure during setup.

Google has acknowledged the consequence, simply the only known ready right at present is a factory reset. That's non platonic, but a timeline for a fix remains unknown — though it is possible that the higher up update also solves this problem.

How to fix it: The only known fix is to manufacturing plant reset your Pixel 6 and never let the bombardment die.

Status: Fix rolling out

Reports surfaced of some other weird issue in which some Pixel six models randomly ghost-dialed contacts at random points in the day. While we didn't feel this issue with our Pixel vi review units, it could be crusade for some business organisation. If your contact doesn't have Do No Disturb enabled and a ghost phone call from you comes through in the middle of the night, disharmonize is inevitable.

How to fix it: Download the latest version of the Google app, making sure it'due south version 12.43.eighteen or newer. A Pixel customs manager has confirmed this update includes a fix for the consequence.

No 30W charging

Status: Ongoing

When the Pixel 6 launched, Google said it had upped the charging wattage to 30W. This was quite a spring from the 18W previous Pixels supported. However, farther testing from Android Authorisation shows that the Pixel half dozen charges instead at 22W, even on a 30W charger (sold separately).

How to fix information technology: There is likely no solution for this trouble. It's possible that something in the software is limiting the charging wattage, but it could also exist a hardware issue. We'll need to await for Google to comment.

Carrier network is temporarily unavailable

Status: Ongoing

Most of the reported bug of this are from the UK, only I have run into this trouble using an unlocked Pixel 6 Pro on Verizon. The telephone will sometimes report that the carrier network is temporarily unavailable and you won't get prison cell or data signals. Sometimes this resolves itself on its ain, sometimes I've noticed that it needs a reboot.

Information technology's possible that this has something to do with 5G, though only official word will confirm that.

How to set it: In that location is not anything you tin can exercise directly. Some have reported that the upshot resolved itself on its ain. Others, like me, go on to feel the problem despite giving information technology time.

Wi-Fi calling not working properly

Status: Ongoing

Wi-Fi calling isn't working for some Pixel 6 owners — including me on my Pixel half dozen Pro — with the upshot seeming to bear upon people using the Google Fi wireless service. The phone outright refuses to make calls or send texts over Wi-Fi, especially if the prison cell indicate is weak. No tweaks or settings changes take helped me (on Verizon) at all.

How to set up it: Some said the outcome resolved itself after a few days. Meanwhile, if you demand to make a Wi-Fi call, turning on airplane mode and Wi-Fi back on will sometimes work. And so over again, the phone might throw a fit and refuse to make the call anyhow.

Erratic adaptive brightness

Condition: Ongoing

A long-standing Pixel issue, it seems that the erratic adaptive brightness issue also impacts the Pixel half-dozen for some users. This is where the telephone's brightness will jump upwardly and downwards randomly, sometimes wildly. On the Pixel four XL, I noted it at night after I'd turned off my bedside lamp.

How to fix it: Whenever y'all observe the "wrong" effulgence, simply set the brightness slider to whatever y'all want. This will assist retrain the adaptive brightness algorithms. It requires you to be proactive for a while, but it should help resolve the issue over time.

Second pigsty punch

Status: Defect

This is the weirdest Pixel event that we've seen. Some people have reported that their displays have a second hole punch in them. In that location should only exist one for the forepart-facing camera.

How to ready it: You tin can't fix this and need to become a new phone from Google. Contact whomever y'all bought your phone from, whether it'southward Google, a retailer or a wireless carrier.

Despite all these problems, the Pixel 6 is all the same a killer Android phone. In fact, the Google Pixel 6 is the Android phone managing editor Roland Moore-Colyer has been waiting for. So far he's non been disappointed.

Hashemite kingdom of jordan is the Phones Editor for Tom'due south Guide, covering all things phone-related. He'south written virtually phones for over five years and plans to continue for a long while to come. He loves nothing more relaxing in his habitation with a volume, game, or his latest personal writing project. Jordan likes finding new things to swoop into, from books and games to new mechanical keyboard switches and fun keycap sets. Hashemite kingdom of jordan tends to lurk on social media, but you tin can all-time achieve him on Twitter.


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